Meet the... Brand: Martinez - TF Tools Ltd

Meet the... Brand: Martinez

Tool creator Jim Aikins (designer and creator of the Stiletto Titanium Hammers) brings to the internet market a hammer that’s sleeker and stronger than the competition.

We have been the exclusive stockist for Martinez Tools since 2017. Jim is continually designing new & innovative tools which change the game each time.


Martinez Hammer Heads

So we have the Martinez Tools | M1 15oz Steel Replacement Head and Martinez Tools | M4 12oz Steel Replacement Head Steel head option available which is what is used to make up our custom range. These are offered in either a smooth finish or milled/dimple.

Martinez M4 12oz Steel Replacement Head - MartinezTF Tools LtdMartinez M1 15oz Steel Replacement Head - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Other options available here are the Martinez Tools | M79 2lb Sledge Hammer Head, the Martinez Tools | M4 7oz Titanium Smooth Finish Head and also the Martinez Tools | M4W 12OZ Wide Claw Smooth Face Replacement Head

Martinez Tools Handles available

We offer the M1 and M4 handles in both a coloured version and the natural Titanium. The coloured version comes in Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Pink, Black and White.

Martinez Coloured M4 handles - MartinezTF Tools LtdMartinez M4 Titanium Replacement Handle - no grip - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Martinez Tools Replacement Grips 

So we have two variations of grip on offer but each comes with lots of colours to choose from! There is the Martinez Tools | Clear/ Coloured M1 & M4 Replacement Grip that can be used on both M1's and M4's. These come in Red, Green, Orange, Black and Blue & can be selected to have either a straight or curved end.

Martinez Clear/ Coloured M1 & M4 Replacement Grip - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

The over grip we have available is the Martinez Tools | M1/M4 Grip Black Overlay.  These come with a cap at the end which can be purchased in different colours. This comes in Classic Red, Orange, Green, Black and Pink. 

Martinez M1/M4 Grip Black Overlay - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Martinez Tools Soft Face Attachments

A new addition to the end of 2023, these really are a popular addition that was added to our Martinez range!

Comes in both Martinez Tools | M4 soft face attachment

Martinez M4 soft face attachment - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

And Martinez Tools | M1 soft face attachment

Martinez M1 soft face attachment - MartinezTF Tools Ltd


Complete Martinez Tools Titanium Hammers 

We have a great range of hammers here at TF. From our awesome standard M1 and M4 too our sweet customs! 

Martinez 15oz M1 Titanium Framing Hammer - MartinezTF Tools LtdMartinez 12oz M4 Titanium Finishing Hammer - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Martinez Dark Knight 15oz M1 Titanium Framing Hammer - MartinezTF Tools Ltd


Martinez The Alcatraz 15oz M1 Titanium Framing Hammer - MartinezTF Tools LtdMartinez Stormtrooper 15oz M1 Titanium Framing Hammer - MartinezTF Tools Ltd



Squares and Pry Bars

Opt for either Metric or imperial, we have both covered. 

If you are after something with a colourful heel, then the 2-1 Rapid square is just what you need. With the added option of being able to buy a different coloured heel which can be switched to your liking. 

Introducing the latest innovation in precision measurementMartinez 2-in-1 Rapid Square - Metric - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Micro Square with Level Vialthe latest innovation in precision measurement.  


Martinez Titanium Rapid square which also comes in an array of colours! 

Martinez Titanium Rapid Square – Metric - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Martinez Tools Stair Gauges

We have two variations of the Martinez stair gauges here at TF. We have the Martinez Tools simple easy stair gauge which is perfect as they fit any square with varying thickness and has an adjustable opening which ranges from 0-5/16ths.

Martinez Tools Simple Easy Stair Gauge - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

We also have the Martinez Tools | Ballistic Rugged Nylon Stair Gauge (pair)

 This design has been built with a cam lock function that will not mar your squares surface, also fits any square!

Martinez Tools Ballistic Rugged Nylon Stair Gauge (pair) - MartinezTF Tools Ltd

Shop the full range of Martinez Tools

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