Part 2 - Toolbelts systems Off the Shelf - TF Tools Ltd

Part 2 - Toolbelts systems Off the Shelf

There are so many combinations out there, how do you know where to start?

Break it down. If you have read our Belt Blog then you will have your start point and also considered our first questions.

What work do you generally do? What's your every day carry?

Broadly the job type and the amount you carry are relative, there will always be exceptions but in our experience these groups below are very common.

Here is a general guide and intro to the DiamondBack Toolbelts and Badger Toolbelts Off the Shelf Rig range.

All DiamondBack rigs are available in either Right or Left handed. Every pouch, accessory and belt is available to buy separately so you can also build your own. We will do a separate Blog on the best pouches to get.
  • For a combination of 1st /Roofing and 2nd fix /finishing work, you want a rig that is a mid-size.

One that will allow enough carry for fixings & hand tools for 1st fix without being too big and bulky on 2nd fix site work.
We suggest the DiamondBack Toolbelts Artisan Carpenter, as it offers mid-size pouches. With a 4in belt, the Artisan will give you good back support but also provide the sufficient support for carrying those size pouches when loaded up.
 There is also another rig on offer by DiamondBack which has been aimed for all plasterers. This will offer a great mid range carry, this is called the Drywaller:
DiamondBack Toolbelts | Drywaller - Right Hand
  • 1st fix/ Roofing

For this work, you are probably looking for a good capacity for carry and also a good amount of back support to help distribute the weight of the carry too. These rigs are on a 6in belt with will provider the best back support in the belt range.
Also check out the suspenders info below as they are often teamed with larger carry rigs. (Another Blog on Suspenders will follow in coming weeks).
Most popular is the Denali, good organisation with several larger pockets and also small internal pockets along with a hammer holster and flat bar holster.
Best for fixings carry, the Ox and Mule pouches on this rig are bucket bottom as opposed to tapered pockets so you can easily scoop out fixings. There is less internal pockets to allow for the increased storage capacity of this design.
DiamondBack Toolbelts | Stile - Right hand

Badger toolbelts offer comfort and ease of use. We offer both the Carpenter and Framer set which would be ideal for working in the 1st fix phase. 

  • 2nd Fix/ Finishing work

The Maestro and Chopo are the best DiamondBack options for 2nd fix/ finishing work, also on a 4in belt but with smaller pouches with plenty of organisation.
A much smaller carry, which solely consists of the flexform belt and DiamondBack accessories is the Cypress.
DiamondBack Toolbelts | Cypress Rig

Badger Toolbelts have also brought out a rig which is designed for most phases of construction from framing to finishing work. Built for comfort, this really would be a great 2nd fix option. 

Want to customise your pouch, read Part 3 - Build Your Own set up made
If you want some more advise on toolbelts, we have also written some Step-by-Step Guides on how to choose the set up best for you
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