We've been completely blown away by the response from this giveaway, it was insane and we would like to thank everyone who entered our #TFbromance Martinez Hammers competition! 

Its been incredible, we've had over 450 entries so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😍😍 . 

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS Chris D and his mate Bren of BMK Carpentry 🎉🎉🎉🎉 . 

This is their story:

I nominate my mate my mate Bren, of BMK carpentry. He is with me every day, making the difference, supporting our aims and goals and keeping the mood light. We renovate rental properties for low income and less fortunate families. Things can get difficult with low-budgets and short timescales but he stays enthusiastic, striving to “make shit happen”. I seriously couldn’t do it without him. He’s a carpenter superhero, no job is beneath him. He recently helped me, around the clock, to get my family moved in to our house, for Christmas. This followed a 5 year long renovation, consisting of evenings and weekends with his help. Seriously this meant so much. This is my bromance story. We love TF & Martinez 🩷

Chris D

Here's Bren 😍😍

If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning a Martinez Hammer, please keep an eye on our socials 😍😍.

You've got to be in it to winner it as they say 😉😉

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