TF Tools in 2022 - TF Tools Ltd

TF Tools in 2022

Team TF has had a good year. It has been hard work but we did it!

The number of you buying from us has increased another year in a row & we are so grateful to you all for your support.


Kelly (far right image above) join us in February as Office Manager, she has done a amazing job on learning all things TF, writing & designing our marketing & also keeping the office running while I am away.

Ira (second right) joined us in June from Ukraine, handling your emails & social media messages while also working on content for our posts. Ira has done an incredible job taking on the role,  English is her second language & we have had fun explaining all the slang the TF community uses in DM's!

Scott has been working hard building our new TF office around oak framing jobs.

He finished the oak frame in September for the project at Camden Market in London.

We rebranded & launched a new website in September, with the help of Kateryna,  also from Ukraine who has started her graphic design career this year. We would highly recommend her for any logo design, rebranding, website design etc. She is incredibly talented.

In late October, we went to USA, visited Occidental Leather, Badger Toolbelts & Martinez Tools and got to hang out with the Squijig team, Hultafors USA & DiamondBack at STAFDA show in San Diego.

TF has sent out over 48,000 orders in just over 6 years, which just blows our mind!

You guys are awesome, we love your pure excitement at receiving our orders & getting your hands on the latest tools and toolbelts as they land.

Thank you for all your support, posts, messages, stories & love!

Let's do it all again in 2023!

Lucy & Scott


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1 comment

I wish all suppliers had your care and attention… it’s a pleasure to do business with you guys


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