Squares - Top 3 sellers
Our TOP-3 sellers of squares
TF`s top 3 squares, checked and tested by our customers - durable, are of high quality, ergonomic and just something that is needed in every tool kit.
The first one is TrigJig Micro Trim Square MTS 100
It's incredibly versatile for such a small tool, easily fitting in the pocket of a tool vest or tool belt. CNC machined from high quality T6 European aluminium plate, the MTS 100 is a sturdy and robust little tool.
- The face has a 15 micron+ thick anodised surface
- Two-part machined aluminium fence using stainless steel fixings
- The fence has a 45 degree, this is so the MTS 100 can be used on steel box section where welds may build up in the corners, or where an internal radius on woodworking projects prevents other squares from sitting snugly into the corner
- The MTS 100 includes pencil scribe notches from 1mm to 100mm allowing ultra precise and quick marking
- The 100mm ruler is laser marked in a recessed pocket to prevent the graduation marks rubbing off over time
- handy degree gauge running along the hypotenuse edge that has been calibrated to the inside pivot edge of the the fence.
Review from our customer:
"Trigjig is the best ever. The quality is perfect! The size superb compact! Does a great job!"
Watch a video review for TrigJig Micro Trim Square MTS 100
Martinez Micro Square All Black Edition – Metric version
The square for those who value not only high quality but a cool style also😎
- High grade air craft aluminium - utilizing 70 series aircraft aluminium
- Black, hard anodized aluminium blade and heel
- Compact and will fit in tight spaces
- High visibility, deep laser etched blade
- Intricate scribe markings
- Precision laser cut and machined aluminium
Review from our customer:
Aiden Noakes gave ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"Cool little square
Just get it, looks nice and you'll use it all the time and you can be sure it's square, may aswell enjoy the thing you do most with quality tools."
Click here to check it out!!
Martinez 2-in-1 Rapid Square - Metric
Updated version of Level Vial and Rapid Square is now available in our new ‘Aluminium Martinez Signature Series 2-in-1 Rapid Square’.
- Exact same intricate scribe marks as our titanium version
- High grade air craft aluminium
- Hard anodized, black blade
- High visibility, deep laser etched blade
- Customizable Level Vial, hard anodized heel
Joshua Hunt ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"Worth the extra money
Great bit of kit. Beautifully made and has replaced my torpedo level in my bag. Nice to have one less thing to carry around!"