Lighthouse Charity Awareness Campaigns for 2024

Lighthouse Charity Awareness Campaigns for 2024

June 2024

Pride Month -  Men's Mental Health week (10th to the 16th June) - June Link

The construction industry is undergoing a transformation. We're recognising the value of a diverse workforce, and the LGBTQ+ community is a vital part of that. We're committed to creating a work environment where everyone feels respected, valued, and empowered to succeed.

July 2024

Talk To Us Month - July Link 

Every July, Talk To Us Month shines a light on the importance of mental health and wellbeing, particularly through open communication. This initiative is especially relevant to the construction industry, where demanding schedules, physical work, and potential safety hazards can create unique challenges.


August 2024

Take A Break Month 


September 2024

Suicide Prevention Month - 10th September World Suicide Prevention Day 


October 2024

9th to 15th Baby Loss Awareness Week  - World Mental Health Day 


November 2024

11th - 15th money Matters Week 


December 2024

Coping During the holiday Season

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