Stocking Filler Ideas - Part 1 - TF Tools Ltd

Stocking Filler Ideas - Part 1

We have created an awesome selection of suggestions when your looking for that little something as a stocking filler. All of which you can be sure, the carpenter in your life will be so grateful for! 

Pica Bundles

Marking tools are essential for every carpenter or even tradesman for that matter! It would be an awesome gift. There are a few variations of bundles available. We would certainly recommend them all but we have the Pica DRY Precise 0.9mm Fine Pencil & leads Bundle available for Christmas.
We also have the Pica Dry BIG Pencil Marker Bundle & the Pica Dry Pencil Marker Bundle.

Pica Dry Pencil Marker Bundle - PicaTF Tools Ltd

 Pica DRY Precise 0.9mm Fine Pencil & leads Bundle - PicaTF Tools Ltd

Tools Under £20

Now we know that Christmas can be super expensive, so stocking fillers need to be things that are affordable and able to fit.

 Check out the full page of tools under £20 that we have created. 

Here are a few of our favourites:

Dusty Boys Knee Pads

The MarXman Standard Professional Marking Tool has a unique design. With one push, it quickly, easily and clearly marks almost any surface. For jobs with fixing holes up to depths of 45mm.

MarXman Standard Professional Marking Tool - MarXmanTF Tools Ltd

Check out the full collection of stocking fillers for more ideas this Christmas!

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