Martinez hammers - How to assemble✨ - TF Tools Ltd

Martinez hammers - How to assemble✨

Did you know that you can create your own version of a Martinez hammer according to your own colour preferences, head weight /shape, grip and handle? 

Easy to assemble & enjoy your own unique Martinez hammer ✨

Martinez Hammers build your own

How can I assemble my Martinez hammer? 

It's really nothing complicated!

You will need the spanner to assemble it which is 3/8in and follow the video instructions below. 

Shop the Martinez head change - Combination Spanner 3/8in AF 

How can I change my Martinez hammer head

Just have a little look at the video by Mark Martinez:

How can I change Martinez hammer grip

To change grip, see video by Mark of Martinez hammers

Attaching a grip - ensure you put it on the right way round as it can't be removed without cutting it off

Can't decide what grip is better for you - Curved or Straight?

Have a look at this video 


 Shop & build your own Martinez hammer !!

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