7" Rafter Square features Comparison - Martinez, Trigjig & Squijig
Want to see what all the hype is with the 7" squares? Well we have done a short comparison on our top 3 rafter Squares at TF.
The Martinez 2-in-1 rapid square, Squijig Fusion rafter square and the Trigjig RSA180FLE!
All of the above are made from Aluminium but the Martinez 2-in-1 offers the added bonus of a Titanium blade.
There are some amazing colour combinations now available. The Trigjig RSA180 LE fixed rafter square has the choice of Blue/Silver, Black/Red, Black/Gold and Black/Blue.
The Martinez 2-in-1 mixes up the titanium heel colour to suit a nice modern style. You can grab these in Black, TF Gold, Blue, Orange, Red and Nightstalker camo.
The Squijig Fusion rafter square is available in the Red/Black combo.
All of these share a lot of the same features on the Metric versions:
- Down the left hand side, you will find measurements which all have 5mm increments for scribe lines, so working parallel to your working surface.
- There are also markings along the bottom of the squares so you are able to mark perpendicular lines.
- You will find graduations down the outside of the square which are for marking up your angles. This will correspond with mitre saw settings.
- They also have a secondary scale for marking out hip & valley cuts.
- All of these also have vials set into them for marking out plum & level.
Each of the squares do have slightly unique features which may help picking between the 3.
The Trigjig offers an area to be used for your 1/3 birdsmouth which is on common UK timber sizes.
Martinez offers the Titanium heel and also has a couple of quick reference lines to give 22.5 degrees and 45 degrees quickly.
Squijig offers a nice scale along the shoulder of the square.
Want to watch TF Scott's comparison video where you can see them side by side and he runs through the above: